Native Hawaiians and the people of the Waianae Coast have been running the race in the last place. We need to give our most vulnerable people a reason to run the race and the means to close the gap. Our holistic approach not only provides tangible skills but also creates an opportunity to unravel the culture of poverty through self-discovery and personal development.
Through the Makaha Learning Center's three foundations learning--Ho`oponopono, Ho`omau, and Ho`onua--students acquire both the trade-skills and life-skills that will solidify their potential for success.

Aside from Tourism, Construction is one of Hawaii's leading industries. If we cannot bridge the skills gap and cultivate skilled tradespeople, then we will continually lose our opportunities to mainland corporations. We believe that if we want to see the manifestation of something new, we must do something new. For years, we have been applying bandaids only to see the by-products of poverty increase at an alarming rate-- addiction, mental illness, homelessness, abuse, and sex trafficking.

Filling the Greatest Need
There is a need for skilled workers in four high demand sectors throughout the United States. The lack of qualified tradespeople, technicians and project managers add to the growing disparity in the construction field.
The Makaha Learning Center is committed to revitalizing the trades and offers a diverse set of skills programs, tailored for all ages. From STEAM camps for school-aged children to core youth classes and continuing education classes.
For more information about the trades programs that are currently under development, please contact us today. We would be happy to set up a personalized presentation.